Aces Diving Club
We have options for everyone- -
See the registration page if you are new to see where and how to get started!
We have options for everyone- -
See the registration page if you are new to see where and how to get started!
Divers interested in a flexible pre competitive option while learning the fundamentals of diving. Majority of practices will be held at OSU and the dive GYM. Practices are 90+ minutes in length. These divers will be eligible for ODL meets from November to May and will be exposed to 1m, 3m, and platform to improve their diving base and may work towards team selection. Divers must exhibit both good effort and attitude towards learning all categories of dive to remain in this program.
Athletes typically are involved in other sports or activities in this group. We are flexible with our days/times and attendance is not required but encouraged. Month by month is available, but divers are HIGHLY encouraged to remain at least in 1 day of PREP gym per week throughout the year.
LESSONS: Divers in this group are exploring the sport of diving. All divers must have one day in gym to learn the movements and building blocks, then apply those to water-- while still having time to work on skills they want to at water. The main focus is to learn the fundamentals of diving, with built in "free" time each practice.
MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL: Divers can train fully with us or supplement their school schedule with gym and/or water times. Divers in this program do not plan to compete in Club level meets with the exception of possible ODL meets. Divers may be looking into college diving from this group.
SKILLS CLASSES: Special offerings in Spring and Summer for divers who have experience but want to work on specific skills. These divers may be looking into their summer or HS season or want to mix dive in with their other sports/activities.
COMBO: New and Beginner divers working on basic movements, learning to dive in head first- both front and back. Divers learn skills such as balance and timing off the board, lineups, tuck dives and flips-- all as ready! Divers start each class with poolside work then go to water.
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